CMMA Foundation

Central Minnesota Manufacturers’ Association (CMMA) was founded in January 2008 for the primary purpose of contributing to the growth and success of manufacturers. CMMA members recognized the reliance on an adequately skilled workforce for the future success of manufacturers in our region and made it a primary focus of CMMA’s efforts.
CMMA provided financial support to its first workforce initiative in April 2009, a manufacturing focus in the Initiative Foundation’s IQ magazine. The first grant was awarded to Apollo High School in February 2010 for $500 in support of student robotics programs.
The CMMA Foundation was officially established in March 2015 to provide grants and scholarships for programs that encourage manufacturing careers in Central Minnesota. Founding partners included Cedar Lake Engineering, Central McGowan, Falcon National Bank, Glenn Metalcraft, Inc., Louis Industries, Inc., Park Industries, Pellco Machine, Inc., St. Cloud Window, and Starrett Tru-Stone Technologies.
Fiscal host
Community Giving currently serves as the fiscal host and fund investor. Between donations and investment growth, the CMMA Foundation currently has assets of over $125,000.
Grants and scholarships
CMMA provides support of workforce initiatives in the region. Examples of donations to K12 institutions include apprenticeship programs and scholarships; welding equipment, routers, plasma tables, calipers, robotic lifts and more; transportation costs to STEM events; and team participation in FIRST and VEX robotic competitions.
K12 schools can apply for CMMA grants and scholarships here.
Since 2013, proceeds from the annual CMMA Golf Social have accrued to the CMMA Foundation. Anyone may sponsor or participate in the annual CMMA Golf Social. Participation in this golf social directly impacts the strength of the CMMA Foundation and the future success of manufacturing in our region.
Donations are welcome and encouraged! Donations are eligible as a 501(c )3 charitable contribution. Donate online at Community Giving, or send to 101 7th Ave. S. #100, St. Cloud, MN. 56301 with CMMA Fund in the memo line.